Auxiliary Utility FunctionsΒΆ

There are some utility functions that are not processing functions but are used in the processing functions. These functions are defined in algo.util package and can be imported in any processing function. The utility functions are:

  • gather_point_clouds: Gathers current_point_cloud_numpy in data_dict and stores in an array in data_dict using a key and count (as the number of point clouds to gather). An argument global_index_key can be used if need to make sure that only previously ungathered point clouds are gathered.

  • combine_gathers: Combines gathered point clouds in data_dict using a global_index_key and stores them as single array in data_dict at index key.

  • skip_frames: Skips skip number of frames in a sequence of frames. An argument global_index_key can be used if need to make sure that only previously unskipped frames are skipped.