Source code for lbl.file_io

import os
import glob
import time
import threading

lbl_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))

supported_label_types = [lbl_handler.split('_')[1].replace('.py','') for lbl_handler in os.listdir(lbl_dir) if 'handler' in lbl_handler]

[docs] class FileIO: """ Class for handling file input/output operations. Args: cfg (dict): Configuration dictionary. calib_reader (callable): Callable object for reading calibration data. Attributes: cfg (dict): Configuration dictionary. lbl_dir (str): Directory path for label files. lbl_type (str): Type of label files. lbl_count (int): Number of label files to process. lbl_ext (str): Extension of label files. reader (class): Handler class for reading label files. clb_reader (callable): Callable object for reading calibration data. files_basenames (list): List of file basenames. data_lock (threading.Lock): Lock for thread safety. data (list): List of tuples containing label file paths and annotations. stop (threading.Event): Event for stopping the async read thread. Methods: get_abs_path(idx: int) -> str: Returns the absolute path of the label file at the given index. __async_read_fn__(): Asynchronously reads label files and annotations. __len__() -> int: Returns the number of label files. __getitem__(idx) -> tuple: Returns the label file path and annotation at the given index. close(): Stops the async read thread. """ def __init__(self, cfg: dict, calib_reader: callable): # Initialize the configuration dictionary self.cfg = cfg # Set the directory path for label files self.lbl_dir = os.path.join(cfg['data']['path'], cfg['data']['label_subdir']) # Set the type of label files self.lbl_type = cfg['data']['label']['lbl_type'] # Set the number of label files to process self.lbl_count = cfg['data']['size'] # Check if the label type is supported if self.lbl_type not in supported_label_types: raise NotImplementedError("Label type not supported. Supported file types: " + ', '.join(supported_label_types) + ".") # Import the handler for the label type h = __import__('lbl.handler_'+self.lbl_type, fromlist=['label_file_extension', 'Handler']) # Set the extension and reader for the label files self.lbl_ext, self.reader = h.label_file_extension, h.Handler # Set the callable object for reading calibration data self.clb_reader = calib_reader # Get all label files in the directory files = glob.glob(os.path.join(self.lbl_dir, '*' + self.lbl_ext)) # Get the basenames of the label files and sort them file_basenames = [os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(file))[0] for file in files] file_basenames.sort(key=lambda file_name: int(''.join(filter(str.isdigit, file_name)))) # Set the list of file basenames self.files_basenames = file_basenames[:self.lbl_count] # Initialize a lock for thread safety self.data_lock = threading.Lock() # Initialize a list for storing label file paths and annotations = [] # Initialize an event for stopping the async read thread self.stop = threading.Event() # Start the async read thread threading.Thread(target=self.__async_read_fn__).start() def get_abs_path(self, idx: int) -> str: """ Returns the absolute path of the label file at the given index. Args: idx (int): Index of the label file. Returns: str: Absolute path of the label file. """ # Get the absolute path of the label file lbl_path = os.path.join(self.lbl_dir, self.files_basenames[idx] + self.lbl_ext) return lbl_path def __async_read_fn__(self): """ Asynchronously reads label files and annotations. """ # Loop through all label files for idx in range(len(self.files_basenames)): # Break the loop if the stop event is set if self.stop.is_set(): break # Get the absolute path of the label file lbl_abs_path = self.get_abs_path(idx) # Read the annotation of the label file annotation = self.reader(lbl_abs_path, self.clb_reader(idx)[1] if self.clb_reader else None) # Append the label file path and annotation to the data list with self.data_lock:, annotation)) # Sleep for a while time.sleep(self.cfg['threads']['io_sleep']) def __len__(self) -> int: """ Returns the number of label files. Returns: int: Number of label files. """ # Return the number of label files return len(self.files_basenames) def __getitem__(self, idx) -> tuple: """ Returns the label file path and annotation at the given index. Args: idx: Index of the label file. Returns: tuple: Label file path and annotation. """ # Try to get the label file path and annotation from the data list try: with self.data_lock: return[idx] except: # If failed, read the label file and its annotation lbl_abs_path = self.get_abs_path(idx) annotation = self.reader(lbl_abs_path, self.clb_reader(idx)[1] if self.clb_reader else None) return (lbl_abs_path, annotation) def close(self): """ Stops the async read thread. """ # Set the stop event self.stop.set() def __init__(self, cfg: dict, calib_reader: callable): self.cfg = cfg self.lbl_dir = os.path.join(cfg['data']['path'], cfg['data']['label_subdir']) self.lbl_type = cfg['data']['label']['lbl_type'] self.lbl_count = cfg['data']['size'] # Check if the label type is supported if self.lbl_type not in supported_label_types: raise NotImplementedError("Label type not supported. Supported file types: " + ', '.join(supported_label_types) + ".") # Import the handler for the label type h = __import__('lbl.handler_'+self.lbl_type, fromlist=['label_file_extension', 'Handler']) self.lbl_ext, self.reader = h.label_file_extension, h.Handler self.clb_reader = calib_reader files = glob.glob(os.path.join(self.lbl_dir, '*' + self.lbl_ext)) file_basenames = [os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(file))[0] for file in files] # Sort the file basenames based on the numbers in the filenames file_basenames.sort(key=lambda file_name: int(''.join(filter(str.isdigit, file_name)))) self.files_basenames = file_basenames[:self.lbl_count] self.data_lock = threading.Lock() = [] self.stop = threading.Event() threading.Thread(target=self.__async_read_fn__).start()
[docs] def get_abs_path(self, idx: int) -> str: """ Returns the absolute path of the label file at the given index. Args: idx (int): Index of the label file. Returns: str: Absolute path of the label file. """ lbl_path = os.path.join(self.lbl_dir, self.files_basenames[idx] + self.lbl_ext) return lbl_path
def __async_read_fn__(self): """ Asynchronously reads label files and annotations. """ for idx in range(len(self.files_basenames)): if self.stop.is_set(): break lbl_abs_path = self.get_abs_path(idx) annotation = self.reader(lbl_abs_path, self.clb_reader(idx)[1] if self.clb_reader else None) with self.data_lock:, annotation)) time.sleep(self.cfg['threads']['io_sleep']) def __len__(self) -> int: """ Returns the number of label files. Returns: int: Number of label files. """ return len(self.files_basenames) def __getitem__(self, idx) -> tuple: """ Returns the label file path and annotation at the given index. Args: idx: Index of the label file. Returns: tuple: Label file path and annotation. """ try: with self.data_lock: return[idx] except: lbl_abs_path = self.get_abs_path(idx) annotation = self.reader(lbl_abs_path, self.clb_reader(idx)[1] if self.clb_reader else None) return (lbl_abs_path, annotation)
[docs] def close(self): """ Stops the async read thread. """ self.stop.set()