algo package


algo.calib module module

algo.label module

algo.lidar module module

algo.pre module

algo.utils module

Module contents

The algo package contains implementations of various algorithms for the data processing pipeline. It also includes built-in algorithms that can be utilized within the pipeline.

### Modules and Their Purposes:

  • algo.pre: Contains generic pre-processing algorithms for data, such as augmentation and normalization.

  • algo.lidar: Contains algorithms for point cloud processing.

  • Contains algorithms for image processing.

  • algo.calib: Contains algorithms for manipulating calibration parameters, like rectification and sensor fusion.

  • algo.label: Contains algorithms for manipulating both read and predicted labels, including filtering based on criteria.

  • Contains generic post-processing algorithms, like saving data in specific formats or directories.

### Execution Order:

The order of execution for algorithms within each sub-module is determined by the priority parameter in the config.yml file. Lower priority values correspond to earlier execution. This parameter can be modified in the GUI configuration window.

The overall order of execution across sub-modules follows this sequence: pre -> lidar -> camera -> calib -> label -> post.

### Implementing a New Algorithm:

To implement a new algorithm, follow these steps:

  1. Add a YAML configuration entry in the config.yml file under the appropriate sub-module (proc:<module>).

  2. Implement the algorithm function in the corresponding file within the algo package.

#### Example YAML Entry:

```yaml proc:


enabled: True priority: 1 other_param_1: 0 other_param_2: hello other_param_3: True other_param_4: [1, 2, 3] other_param_5: {key1: value1, key2: value2}


Algorithm Function Signature: ```python

def dummy(data_dict: dict, cfg_dict: dict):

‘’’ Args:

data_dict (dict): A dictionary containing the data in the pipeline. cfg_dict (dict): A dictionary containing configuration parameters from config.yml.



‘’’ # Getting logger object from data_dict logger = data_dict.get(‘logger’) if logger is None:

print(‘[CRITICAL ERROR]: No logger object in data_dict. Abnormal behavior detected.’) return

# Checking for required data in data_dict if ‘current_point_cloud_path’ not in data_dict:

logger.log(‘[algo->>dummy]: current_point_cloud_path not found in data_dict’, Logger.DEBUG)

if ‘current_point_cloud_numpy’ not in data_dict:

logger.log(‘[algo->>dummy]: current_point_cloud_numpy not found in data_dict’, Logger.ERROR) return

# Accessing required data from data_dict current_point_cloud_path = data_dict[‘current_point_cloud_path’] current_point_cloud_numpy = data_dict[‘current_point_cloud_numpy’]

# Perform operations with the data and update data_dict # …
