pcd package


pcd.file_io module

pcd.sensor_io module

class pcd.sensor_io.SensorIO(cfg: dict)[source]

Bases: object


Closes the SensorIO object.

pcd.utils module

pcd.viz module

Module contents

The pcd package comprises two types of handlers: (1) file handlers for reading point cloud files and (2) sensor handlers for capturing point cloud data from live LiDAR sensor feeds. The file_io.py and sensor_io.py modules should not be modified except for contributions to the framework application logic.

### Implementing a New Point Cloud Type:

To implement a new point cloud type:

  1. Create a new function named __read_<pcd_type>__ in the file_io.py file.

  2. Replace <pcd_type> with the specific type of point cloud data (e.g., velodyne, hdf5, etc.).

  3. The function should read the point cloud data from the binary file specified by the absolute path and return it as a NumPy array of shape (N, 4), where N is the number of points and 4 represents the features (x, y, z, intensity).

### Creating a New Sensor Stream Handler:

To create a new sensor stream handler to support a new LiDAR sensor:

  1. Create a new Python file named handler_<manufacturer>_<model>.py in the pcd directory.

  2. Replace <manufacturer> and <model> with the manufacturer and model of the LiDAR sensor.

  3. The manufacturer and model are passed from config.yml under sensors:lidar:manufacturer and sensors:lidar:model, respectively, and are used to select the appropriate handler.

### Handler File Structure:

The handler_<manufacturer>_<model>.py file should contain a class named Handler with the following structure:

```python # hander_<manufacturer>_<model>.py

class Handler:

‘’’ Args:

cfg (dict): Configuration dictionary containing sensor information.


cfg (dict): Configuration dictionary containing sensor information. manufacturer (str): Manufacturer of the LiDAR sensor. model (str): Model of the LiDAR sensor. serial_no (str): Serial number of the LiDAR sensor. hostname (str): Hostname of the LiDAR sensor. reader (generator): Generator that yields point cloud data.


Exception: If fails to connect to the LiDAR sensor or receive point cloud data.


def __init__(self, cfg: dict):

self.cfg = cfg

# Extract sensor information from the configuration dictionary self.manufacturer = self.cfg[‘sensors’][‘lidar’][‘manufacturer’].lower() self.model = self.cfg[‘sensors’][‘lidar’][‘model’].lower().replace(‘-’, ‘’) self.serial_no = self.cfg[‘sensors’][‘lidar’][‘serial_number’] self.hostname = self.cfg[‘sensors’][‘lidar’][‘hostname’]

# Connect to the LiDAR sensor and initialize the reader self.reader = self.__get_reader__() # the reader should be a generator that yields point cloud data in NumPy array format of shape (N, 4)

def __get_reader__(self):

# Generator function that yields point cloud data in NumPy array format of shape (N, 4) pass

def close(self):

# Release the resources associated with the LiDAR sensor self.reader.close()
